

Research on Characteristics of Wireless Link Intermittent Connection in Opportunistic Networks
摘要 针对机会网络中节点的移动、能量的耗尽、节点的周期性休眠、自然或人为的破坏等特点,分析了机会网络基于地图模型和工作日模型下的无线链路间断连接特性。通过仿真验证和数值分析得出节点接触持续时间和接触间隔时间分布函数,为将来优化路由协议、改进缓存机制、优化拥塞控制策略等提供理论指导和帮助,具有重要的理论研究意义。 According to the characteristics of nodes moving, energy exhausting, sleeping periodically of nodes and natural or man-made destruction, we analyzes characteristics of wireless link intermittent of opportunistic networks in map-based movement model (MBM) and working day movement model (WDM). We obtain distribution function of contact duration time and inter-contact time of nodes through simulation and numerical analysis. It provides useful theoretical guides and help in optimizing routing protocol, improving buffer managemenl and optimizing congestion control. Therefore, it has important significance in theory research.
出处 《现代电信科技》 2013年第5期8-12,17,共6页 Modern Science & Technology of Telecommunications
关键词 机会网络 无线链路特性 接触持续时间 接触间隔时间 opportunistic networks, characteristics of wireless link, contact duration time, inter-contact time
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