The mechanical and microstructural properties as well as crystallographic textures of asymmetrically rolled low carbon steel were studied.The modelling of plastic deformation was carried out in two scales:in the macro-scale,using the finite elements method,and in the crystallographic scale,using the polycrystalline deformation model.The internal stress distribution in the rolling gap was calculated using the finite elements method and these stresses were then applied to the polycrystalline elasto-plastic deformation model.Selected mechanical properties,namely residual stress distribution,deformation work,applied force and torques,and bend amplitude,were calculated.The diffraction measurements,X-ray and electron backscatter diffraction,enabled the examination of texture heterogeneity and selected microstructure characteristics.The predicted textures agree well with those determined experimentally.The plastic anisotropy of cold rolled ferritic steel samples,connected with texture,was expressed by Lankford coefficient.
The mechanical and microstructural properties as well as crystallographic textures of asymmetrically rolled low carbon steel were studied. The modelling of plastic deformation was carried out in two scales: in the macro-scale, using the finite elements method, and in the crystallographic scale, using the polycrystalline deformation model. The internal stress distribution in the rolling gap was calculated using the finite elements method and these stresses were then applied to the polycrystalline elasto-plastic deformation model. Selected mechanical properties, namely residual stress distribution, deformation work, applied force and torques, and bend amplitude, were calculated. The diffraction measurements, X-ray and electron backscatter diffraction, enabled the examination of texture heterogeneity and selected microstructure characteristics. The predicted textures agree well with those determined experimentally. The plastic anisotropy of cold rolled ferritic steel samples, connected with texture, was expressed by Lankford coefficient.
Projects(DEC-2011/01/B/ST8/07394,DEC-2011/01/D/ST8/07399)supported by the Polish National Centre for Science(NCN)
The support of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education and of the French ANR 05-BLAN-0383 project