建立并完善风险资本市场已成为西方国家获取高质量的经济增长并在竞争中取胜的法宝。根据中国国情 ,借鉴国外经验 ,我国应该充分发挥政府的作用 ,多渠道建立风险投资基金 ,适时推出“二板市场” ,从而形成有中国特色的风险资本市场。
Building up and improving the venture capital market have become a special weapon in gainning economic growth with high quality and in beating the rivals of the western countries. According to the concret condition, learnning from foreign countries, we should make full use of the government, build up the funds of the venture capital and “the second security market', so as to form the venture capital market with Chinese characterisfics.
Journal of Central University of Finance & Economics