文章分析智能终端操作系统的市场格局、主流操作系统的发展模式和特点,重点阐述中国联通自主产权的TIOS(Trust Internet Operating System)智能终端操作系统的总体特点、技术架构和关键子系统技术特点,介绍围绕沃Phone的应用下载服务和开发者服务,最后展望未来TIOS的发展前景。
The paper analyzes the market situation of smart terminal operating system and developmental model of main operating systems. It focuses on general features, technical architecture and subsystem features of independent intellectual property TlOS(Trust Internet Operating System). Then it introduces the service of App Store and developer community of WoPhone. Finally, the future development on TIOS is envisioned.
Information and communications Technologies