针对层次分析法的不足 ,本文提出用五个三角模糊标度数来代替语言变量 ,以说明待选方案对评价准则的相对影响程度。通过比较方案与准则间的相互关系而得出模糊评判矩阵 ,评判矩阵与权向量相乘 ,可计算出各方案的模糊数 ,再对模糊数进行大小排序而优选方案 ,将此法应用于优选房地产项目类型 。
In view of the drawback of AHP, this paper advances to substitute five triangle fuzzy scale numbers for linguistic variables, in order to evaluate the appraisal criteria's influence on alternative. By comparing the relationship between alternative and criteria, fuzzy appraisal matrix can be obtained, multiplying it by weight vector, ranking fuzzy number of alternatives can be calculated. According to the value of fuzzy number, the optimum alternative can be chosen. The paper illustrates this method's application to optimization of real estate project type.
Optimization of Capital Construction