
基于行政隶属关系树状图的地名消歧方法 被引量:14

Toponym Disambiguation Based on Administrative District Relation Tree
摘要 同一地名映射不同物理空间位置的地名歧义现象普遍存在,地名消歧是指为地名分配唯一地理位置的过程。欧美国家的地名数据库和相关知识库比较完善,提出一系列通用或适宜个别语种的地名消歧方法。由于我国当前缺乏类似的高质量数据资源,难以直接引入这些方法解决中文地名消歧问题。该文提出在地名识别和地名匹配的基础上,通过构建歧义地名行政隶属关系树状图,利用上下文相关地名在树状图中出现的子节点数,判断歧义地名指向的地理位置。实验表明,该方法简单易行,而且可以达到较好的消歧效果。 One place name usually indicates several different locations. Toponym disambiguation aims to assign a unique physical location to one place name. With complete gazetteers and knowledge bases, Europe and United States proposed a series of language-dependent/independent methods for toponym disambiguation. Due to lack of high-quality gazetteers in our country, it's difficult to introduce these methods to resolve the ambiguity problem of Chinese place names. This paper presents a method based on administrative district relation trees. Firstly, place names are recognized and matched with the technology of natural language processing in text. Secondly, a relation tree of administrative districts of the place names in the context is constructed. Finally, the ambiguous place name is geotagged with the location of the node, which has the maximum number of subnodes. The experiment results indicate that the proposed method can achieve a better performance than the typical centroid-based method.
出处 《地理与地理信息科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期39-42,共4页 Geography and Geo-Information Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(40971231) 江苏省研究生科研创新计划项目(CXZZ12_0394)
关键词 地名消歧 行政隶属关系 地名匹配 地理位置 toponym disambiguation relationship tree of administrative affiliation toponym matching~ geo-location
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