

Realization of sampling frequency synchronization combined with enable control
摘要 许多通信场景中调制信号不能完全满足过零特性,常用检测方法都不能直接应用,为了解决这个问题,采用了一种结合使能控制的采样钟同步方法。通过使能信号控制环路中的Gardner定时误差检测模块,达到环路收敛的目的。该方法既利用了通常的Gardner算法结构,具有低复杂度特性,又保证了环路可以可靠工作。在实验过程中给出了具体的工程实现流程,并通过仿真验证了该方法的有效性。 In many communication occasions, modulation signal cannot fully meet the zero crossing characteristics and com- mon detecting methods cannot be directly used. In order to solve this problem, a sampling clock synchronization method combi- hated with enable control is adopted. Through Gardner timing error detection module in enable signal control loop, the loop con- vergence is achieved. This method not only uses the structure of the usual Gardner algorithm with low complexity, but also en- sures that the circuit can work reliably. The engineering implementing process was offered in the course of the experiment. The validity of the method was verified by simulation.
作者 李大炜
出处 《现代电子技术》 2013年第11期145-147,共3页 Modern Electronics Technique
关键词 使能控制 采样钟 同步 Gardner算法结构 enable control sampling frequency synchronization structure of Gardner algorithm
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