目的:观察维吾尔族宫颈癌患者放疗前、后血清蛋白质组表达的变化。方法:收集维吾尔族宫颈癌患者60例,单纯放射治疗后由完全缓解的42例中随机抽取7例并留取其放疗前、后的血清样本作为放疗前组及放疗后组,同时由60例健康维吾尔族妇女血清样本中随机抽取7例做为正常组,采用蛋白质二维液相色谱系统(Proteome LabTM PF-2D)分别将放疗前组、放疗后组、正常组血清标本相比较,观察血清蛋白质组表达的变化。结果:放疗前组与正常组血清蛋白质组差异表达图谱鉴别13个位点的峰值差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);放疗前组与放疗后组鉴别出11个蛋白峰值差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);放疗后组与正常组仅2个蛋白峰值差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:维吾尔族宫颈癌患者经放疗后完全缓解者的蛋白质表达接近正常水平;通过对维吾尔族宫颈癌患者放疗前、后蛋白质组的测定,有可能对治疗效果的判断及早期复发的预测等方面提供有用的信息。
Objective: To study the changes of serum proteomie spectra in Uyghur women with intermediate stage and advanced cervical carcinoma before and after treatment in order to detect the protein biomarkers. Methods : Proteomie spectra from serum of 60 Uyghur women groups with cervical cancer patients before radiotherapy, 7 patients who achieved complete remission after radiotherapy, and 60 per- sons from normal Uyghur women control subjects were analyzed by the two - dimensional liquid chromatography system. Results: There were 13 significant differential expression protein peaks between patients and normal individuals before radiotherapy. There were l 1 significant de- viation expression protein peaks of patients between before and after radiotherapy. There were 2 significant deviation expression protein peaks between patients and normal individuals after radiotherapy. Conclusion : The expressions of protein levels are different before and after radiotherapy in Uyghur women with intermediate stage and advanced cervical cancer. Protein signatures of cervical cancer may be screened using two - dimensional liquid chromatography system. Those signatures may be helpful in assessing the minimal residual disease and predicting the treatment efficacy.
Maternal and Child Health Care of China