随着因特网的快速发展,仅凭人力很难做到对网络的高效管理,一个复杂的网络系统需要高效自动的网络管理机制。通过SNMP协议,设计了一种有效方法进行网络性能的实时测量,可以用来监测网络设备CPU利用率、可用内存和网络带宽信息,并利用Visual C++集成开发环境和SNMP++开发包对该方法的有效性进行了实验分析。实验结果证明该方法能够以较低的网络开销实现网络实时监控。
With the rapid development of Internet, An efficient and automated network management is required in large and complex networks since it is very difficult to manage them only with human effort.In this paper, Through SNMP, real-time measure and record the CPU utilization and available memory of network device, and network bandwidth information with effective methods.Meanwhile, to make use of SNMP++ development kit to achieve visual display in order to meet real-time monitoring network.
Electronics World