目的为进一步了解我国陆地原野环境γ辐射天然本底照射水平及其分布规律。方法通过查阅相关资料、文献,整理、校对、归类、总结了1995~2008年我国(除西藏自治区外)30个省、自治区、直辖市陆地原野环境瞬时γ辐射剂量率的监测数据。结果 1995~2008的14年间,我国30个省市自治区陆地原野环境中瞬时γ辐射空气吸收剂量率范围为46.3~98.1nGy/h,平均值为62.3 nGy/h,且长江以南的陆地原野环境中γ剂量率(63.9 nGy/h)略大于长江以北(60.6 nGy/h)。我国七大行政区域(东北、华北、华东、华中、华南、西南、西北)中,除华南地区稍有偏高以外,其余六个地区的原野γ辐射剂量率均较为接近。结论 1995~2008年全国原野环境的γ辐射剂量率值接近于1983~1990年的本底调查平均值(62.8 nGy/h),且随年份的变化起伏不大,各地区之间原野γ辐射剂量率基本处同一水平。
Objective To further understand the level and the distribution of the natural 7 radiation dose rate in ter-restrial field environment in China. Methods Collect the γ dose rate data from published books, journals and bulletins, then check, analyz, and rearrange these data to summarize the γ radiation dose rate level in terrestrial field environment of 30 prov-inces, autonomous regions and municipalities from 1995 to 2008. Results The instantaneous γ dose rate in terrestrial field environment in 30 provinces from 1995 to 2008 is in the range of 46.3 - 98.1 nGy/h , the arithmetic mean value is about 62.3 nGy/h. The γ radiation dose rate level in south of the Yangtze fields( 63.9 nGy/h) is slightly larger than the north of the Yangtze( 60.6 nGy/h). According to the environmental instantaneous γ radiation level, except slightly higher in the South China region, in the north, east, central, southwest and northwest areas it is at the same level. Conclusion In China, the in-stantaneous γ radiation dose rate of terrestrial field environment from 1995 to 2008 is close to the background value during 1983 to 1990(62.8 nGy/h) , and there is no significant change by years. The γ radiation dose rate of each region/province are at the same level.
Chinese Journal of Radiological Health
γ Radiation Dose Rate
Field Environment
Instantaneous Monitoring