观察晚期青光眼高眼压对睫状体功能的损害作用及对角膜透明性的影响。方法 :应用扫描荧光光度计及 Schiotz电子眼压计分别测定 1 5只正常眼和 1 5只晚期原发性青光眼眼压、房水排出率和房水流畅系数 ,并观察角膜的透明性。结果 :晚期青光眼眼房水排出率显著下降 ,下降程度与眼压水平及病程成正比。房水排出率降低至 0 .8μl/ min,角膜出现水肿混浊 ,房水排出率下降愈甚 ,角膜透明性改变愈明显。结论 :持续高眼压将损害睫状体功能导致房水生成减少 。
To study the injuring effects of high intraocular pressure(IOP)on ciliary body function and corneal transparency in the late primary glaucoma,Method:The rate of aqueous humor flow in 15 eyes with late primary glaucoma were measured by the scanning fluorphotometer,Schiotz electronic ophthalmotonometer was used to investigate the IOP and coefficient of outflow facility and corneal trasparency was observed by silt lamp microscope 15 normal eyes served as the control group.Results:The rate of aqueous humor flow was decrease in the patients,the decrease of rate of aqueous humor flow is related to IOP and duration of glaucoma.When the rate of aqueous humor flow decrease to 0 8ul/min,corneal stroma showed edema and opacity.The longer the changes of aqueous humor,the more serious was the corneal injury.Conclusions:continuous high IOP would damage the function of ciliary body and contributed to decrease of aqueous humor formation.For this reason,coneal trasparency is changed.
Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology