On the basis of studies on 30 surface samples collected from Xinglong Mountain Natural Protection Region (35°38' -35°58'N,103°50'- 104°10'E) and its surrounding area in the Gansu Province,this paper focused on the quantitative relationship between vegetation and pollen in arid area of Northwest China. All of the samples are moss, of which 11 samples were collected from montane shrub at an altitude of about 1800 -3000m,2 samples were collected from coniferous forest at an altitude of 2300 - 2500m,4 samples collected from mixed coniferous forest at an altitude of 2400 -2600m, 8 samples collected from deciduous broad-leaved forest at an altitude of 2200 - 2800m,3 samples collected from alpine shrub at an altitude of 3000 - 3500m and 2 samples from alpine meadows above an altitude of 3500m. The vegetation around the sampling localities was investigated within the area of 20- 20m2. Our result indicates that 18,766 pollen grains belong to 47 families and 35 genera were identified,including conifer mostly Pinus and Picea; deciduous broad-leaved mainly Quercus and Betula; shrubs and herbaceous are more abundant, which shrubs include Hippophae, Corylus/Ostryopsis, Rosaceae and Lonicera; herbaceous mainly Artemisia, Compositae, Gramineae and Cyperaceae. The representation and relative pollen productivity (RPP)of several common arboreal and herbaceous taxa in North China were calculated by R-value and Extended R-value model(ERV model)based on these pollen and vegetation data. The calculation results show that the R-values of Quercus, Picea,Betula, Hippophae,Artemisia, Gramineae and Cyperaceae are 0. 70 ,1. 79 ,1. 23 ,1. 78 , 7. 90 , 0. 30 and 0.03 ,respectively. The R-value reveals that Artemisia is over-represented, Picea and Hippophae have slightly high representation and Quercus and Betula have moderate representation,whereas Gramineae and Cyperaceae are under-represented. When the Quercus is used as reference taxon, the RPPs of Picea,Betula, Hippophae,Artemisia, Gramineae and Cyperaceae are 2.96,
Quaternary Sciences