
胭脂鱼早期发育过程中集群行为的形成 被引量:17

Ontogenetic changes in schooling behaviour during larval and early juvenile stages of Chinese sucker(Myxocryprinus asiaticus)
摘要 为了探讨胭脂鱼个体发育过程中集群行为的发生机理,在20℃水温下,在胭脂鱼孵化后第5天开始至第39天,记录体长,采用视频分析的方法连续观察其游泳行为,计算胭脂鱼的游泳速度(V),相对全长最近邻距离(DNNL),分离游泳指数(ISS),根据胭脂鱼的游泳速度计算基于全长雷诺系数(RL)。结果显示,随着日龄的增加,胭脂鱼仔鱼全长呈y=1.260 33-0.015 58x+0.003 15x2-(4.849 78E-5)x3增加,游泳速度先增加后降低并趋于稳定,在19日龄后相对全长游泳速度稳定于(2.45+0.15)TL/s。胭脂鱼仔鱼ISS随着时间显著降低,至第19天时显著低于随机分布预期值,至32天时稳定于最低值;DNNL的变化趋势与ISS相符;表明胭脂鱼仔鱼集群行为于19日龄(1.77 cm全长)开始,至32日龄(2.40 cm全长)时形成紧凑的集群行为。RL随日龄的增加呈y=-607.891 61+156.809 12x-4.212 9x2+0.037 9x3方程增加,在仔鱼开口期(5-6日龄)即大于200,在19日龄时值为1 111。结果表明,仅从RL的角度不能解释胭脂鱼集群行为的发生,胭脂鱼的集群行为可能更多的与生物学因素如游泳行为有关,其游泳模式随着集群行为的发生由间歇高速游泳向持续巡游游泳转变。 Juveniles Chinese sucker (Myxocryprinus asiaticus )obtains schooling swimming behavior. However, it is unclear when and why they form schooling behavior. We researched the mechanism of schooling formation related to hydraulics. We analyzed swimming behavior of Chinese sucker that ranged from 5 to 39 days post hatching(dph)at 20℃ water temperature by video record. Swimming speed,nearest neighbor distance(DNN), separation swimming index(ISS)and the Reynolds number based on total length (RL) were calculated. ISS decreased significantly with age, significantly lower than random distribution value at 19 dph( 1.77 cm in total length,TL)and became stable at the lowest value at 32 dph(2.40 cm,TL). DNN changed in a similar way to ISS. The variation of ISS and DNN illustrated the schooling behavior was formed at the 19 dph and became tight schooling at 32 dph. The total length increased with age at function y = 1. 260 33 -0. 015 58×x +0. 003 15 × x2 - (4. 849 78E - 5) × x3. Swimming speed first increased and then decreased and finally became stable at 2.45 + 0. 15 TL/S after 19 dph. RL increased with age at function y = -607. 891 61 + 156. 809 12 ×x -4. 212 9 ×x2 +0. 037 9 ×x3,RL exceeded 200 at 5 -6 dph, equaled 1 111 at 19 dph. Analyses showed that the RL did not explain the schooling behavior of Chinese sucker, and schooling behavior was more likely related to the swimming behavior, as swimming changed from intermittent sprinting to continuous cruising when schooling was formed.
出处 《水产学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期705-710,共6页 Journal of Fisheries of China
基金 楚天学者基金项目(KJ2010B002) 国家自然科学基金项目(50979049 51009082) 中国博士后科学基金(20100480487) 公益性行业(水利部)科研专项(201201030 201201028-02) 中国长江三峡集团公司科研项目(SDHZ2011117) 农业部海洋与河口渔业资源及生态重点开放实验室开放基金(20090011) 贵州北盘江电力股份有限公司合作项目(SDHZ2012137) 水利部水工程生态效应与生态修复重点实验开放基金
关键词 胭脂鱼 仔鱼 集群行为 游泳速度 水力学 个体发育行为 Myxocryprinus asiaticus larva schooling behavior swimming speed hydraulics ontogeneticbehavior
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