目的:了解上海市儿童在校期间身体活动状态的内容、形式、时间和空间状况特征,以期为提高"每天一小时校园体育活动"质量提供参考依据。方法:采取分层抽样方法在上海16个区县905所小学中,随机抽取20所小学1~5年级20名学生(男、女生各10名),对学生从早晨进校到放学出校期间各身体活动状态进行观察、记录,并用网络记动器进行测定。结果:上海市小学生一天校园身体活动状态的内容结构不合理,久坐少动现象突出,且随着年级的递增,跑的比例逐渐递减;走、站、跑的比例中郊区高于中心市区、男生高于女生;其身体活动时间已达到"一小时",但身体活动质量不高,全天校园身体活动中跑、跳的比例分别为7.21%、2.33%,且每次跑、跳的持续时间均以1 min和2 min居多;在空间上呈内圈——教室、中圈——楼道、外圈——操场3个层次,且身体活动的量和强度随着圈层的扩大而增加。结论:针对上海市儿童学校身体活动特征,建议以保证身体活动的时间和强度为重点,合理利用学校现有资源提高儿童学校身体活动质量。
Objective: This study intends to master a thorough knowledge of the contents, forms, temporal and spatial situation and features of children's body movement in school in one day, so as to provide reference for improving the quality of program "One Hour's School Sports Activities Per Day". Methods: Through stratified sampling, samples of 20 students in which males and females axe randomly selected in 905 primary schools of 16 districts in Shanghai. The ob- servation and records start from early in the morning when class begins to the students' departure from school in the eve- ning, covering all children's body movements. And the results axe measured by network pedometer. Results: The con- tent structure of Shanghai children's body movement states in school in one day is unreasonable. The outstanding phe- nomenon is that they always sit for a long time and lack movement. The frequency of running decreases with the in- crease of the grade. For the percentage of walking, standing and running, the students in suburbs axe higher than those in urban areas; males are higher than females. Although the time children spent in activities has reached to "one hour", the quality of their physical activity is low. As for the children's body movement in school in one day, the per- centage of running and jumping is 7.21% and 2.33% respectively. At the same time, running and jumping mostly last for only one and two minutes. The spatial range of pupils' physical activities presents three levels, that is, internal cir- cle-classroom, center circle-corridor, outer circle-playground. The amount and intensity of physical activity increase ac- cording to the expansion of the circle. Conclusion: According to Shanghai children' body movement in school, the focus should be on ensuring the time and intensity of children's body movement, as well as the rational use of school's availa- ble resources to improve the quality of children's body movement.
Journal of Beijing Sport University
in school
body movement
school physical activities