通过研究蚂蚁寻食的轨迹,分析推理出一种得到最优路径的并行算法,由于其灵感来源于蚂蚁,所以起名为蚁群算法。蚁群算法是近年才发展起来的,成功应用于很多领域,如车辆调度问题、分布式人工智能研究、负载平衡、大规模集成电路设计、工厂生产计划制定方面、图像着色和路由算法方面等等。本文主要是运用蚁群算法,寻找Ad Hoc网络中最优路由路径,使整个Ad Hoc网络成为一个稳定可靠的网络系统。
The human inspiration comes from the nature. Through the study of ants foraging trajectories, analysis and reasoning of a parallel algorithm to get the optimal path. Its inspiration is from the ants, so named for the ant colony algorithm. The ant colony algorithm is developed only in recent years, successfully applied to many areas, such as vehicle scheduling, distributed artificial intelligence research, load balancing, LSI design, factory production planning aspects, image coloring and routing algorithm and so on. This paper is the use of ant colony algorithm to find the optimal routing path in Ad Hoc Networks, and then the Ad Hoc network will become a stable and reliable network system.
ant colony algorithm
network routing