目的探讨595脉冲染料激光对婴幼儿血管瘤治疗的效果和意义。方法首先将在我院进行激光治疗的婴幼儿浅表血管瘤病例分成A(面积≤3 cm2)和B(面积〉3 cm2)2组,进行疗效和不良反应比较。又将面积≤3 cm2婴儿浅表血管瘤病例分成C(1~6个月的婴儿)和D(6~12个月的婴儿)组进行疗效比较。然后做了47例婴幼儿血管瘤激光治疗5年后的随访,以了解复发率、预后和不良反应等。结果浅表血管瘤面积越小激光治疗的疗效越好,5年随访愈后也好,无复发,不良反应少;反之面积越大则疗效差,而且容易出现不良反应。从治愈病例5年后不良反应随访表中发现色素沉着基本都能消退,但色素减退、皮肤萎缩和纤维脂肪性斑遗留较多,特别是在大面积的血管瘤患者多见。5年后随访另有13例为激光治疗后无改变甚至还继续增大的无效病例。13例中有些接受手术、药物和放射性治疗后治愈;有些血管瘤3岁后自然消退但都有皮肤瘢痕和色素减退;有些血管瘤稳定5年后随访无消退。595激光对增生活跃期的婴儿浅表血管瘤能起到一定的控制和消除作用。结论婴幼儿浅表的小血管瘤早期可以用595脉冲染料激光积极治疗,不仅取得美容改善和预防的效果,也能减轻患者和家庭成员的社会心理压力。
Objective To explore the application of 595 nm pulse dye laser (PDL) in the treatment of infant hemangioma. Methods 47 infants with hemangioma were collected and analyzed retrospectively. According to the area of hemangioma, the patients were divided into two groups including patients with area of less than 3 cm2 as group A and patients with area of over 3 cm2 as group B. According to the age of patients: group A was divided into two groups again including group C (aged between one and six months) and group D (aged between six and twelve months). All patients were treated with 595 nm PDL, then they were followed up for five years. Results The effect of 595 nm PDL in the treatment of infantile hemangioma was closely related to the area of henlangioma. Compared to larger lessions, improvement was obvious and the risks of recurrence and side effects were decresed in patients with smaller lessions. Side effects included hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation, skin atrophy, fibrous-fatty plaques, which were more common in larger lessions. In 13 invalid cases, some were healed after receiving surgery, drugs and radiation therapy; some reached eventual spontaneous involution after three years of age but had scar and hypopigmentation; some had no change or stabilized. The 595 nm PDL could be an effective treatment strategy for infantile hemangioma in proliferative phase. Conclusion Early laser intervention of infantile hemangioma with smaller area could not only obtain better cosmetic effect, but also reduce stress and anxiety of patients and their family members.
Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine