
基于认知负荷理论的有效教学设计研究 被引量:41

Research on Effective Instructional Design Based on Cognitive Load Theory
摘要 有效教学设计应基于学习者的认知规律,设法降低外在、内在认知负荷,同时增加相关认知负荷。在教学设计时,可以采用自由目标策略、关联信息捆绑策略、一步到位策略与多通道策略降低外在认知负荷;采用任务先"分"后"整"逐步呈现策略与任务先"简"后"繁"二次呈现策略降低内在认知负荷;采用变异任务策略与嵌入支架策略增加相关认知负荷。 Effective instructional design has to base on the cognitive law of learners, reducing the external, internal cognitive lord and increasing the germane cognitive lord. In view of this, when instructional design, we should take the strategies of goal-free, related information bundling, in-one-step and multi-modality to reduce the external cognitive load; take two strategies to reduce the internal cognitive lord, one is first present part of the task, then gradually show the rest of the task, finally present the whole task, the other is first present the concise edition of the task, then present the full edition of the task; take the strategies of task conversion and embed bracket to increase the germane cognitive lord.
作者 汪明 曹道平
出处 《现代教育技术》 CSSCI 2013年第5期16-19,共4页 Modern Educational Technology
基金 国家科技部重大基础专项课题"中小学科学探究学习与创新人才培养机制实验研究"(项目编号:2009IM010300)阶段性研究成果
关键词 外在认知负荷 内在认知负荷 相关认知负荷 有效教学设计策略 external cognitive load intemal cognitive load germane cognitive load strategies of effective instructional design
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