
冠状动脉CTA质量控制中的护理干预(附726例病例分析) 被引量:9

The value of nursing intervention in the quality control of coronary artery CTA(726 cases analysis)
摘要 目的:探讨护理干预在冠状动脉CT血管成像(computed tomography angiography,CTA)质量控制中作用。方法:搜集我院完成冠状动脉CTA检查的患者726例,分析检查过程中实施护理干预对检查结果的影响。结果:726例病例中,所有病例均进行全程护理干预,64层螺旋CT检查诊断726例,其中21例患者在扫描前就已经终止检查。其余705例患者通过冠状动脉CTA(coronary artery computed tomography angiography,CCTA)扫描,658例扫描结果能满足诊断要求,47例扫描结果不能达到诊断要求。结论:冠状动脉CTA质量控制这一系统性工程中,护理干预是冠状动脉CTA检查成功的关键环节之一,并有助于避免并发症发生。 Objective:Discuss the value of nursing intervention in the quality control of coronary artery CTA. Methods: Collect a to- tal of 726 patients who underwent coronary artery CTA. Analyze the role of nursing intervention in the process of CTA examination,and identify its impact on the results. Results: All of the 726 patients were subjected to nursing intervention. 726 patients conducted 64- slice CT examination, but 21 of them have been terminated before the examination. The rest of the 705 patients conduct the coronary ar- tery CTA scanning. 658 scanning results can meet the diagnosis requirements,while 47 scanning results cannot meet. Conclusion: The quality control of the coronary artery CTA was a systematic engineering. Nursing intervention is one of the keys to success in the coro- nary artery CTA and helpful to avoid complications.
出处 《川北医学院学报》 CAS 2013年第2期159-161,共3页 Journal of North Sichuan Medical College
关键词 冠状动脉疾病 心血管造影术 护理 X线计算机 体层摄影术 Coronary disease Angiography Nursing X-ray computed Tomography
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