对 146例老年颅内血肿患者的致伤原因、临床表现、影像学检查结果、治疗方法及预后等因素进行了回顾性分析。结果表明 ,致伤原因中坠落伤占 49%、车祸伤占 2 5 %、打伤占 11%、原因不明占 15 %。临床表现轻重不一 ,在各种血肿中 ,慢性硬膜下血肿 80例、急性硬膜外血肿 11例、硬膜下血肿 9例、急性脑内血肿 14例、急性硬膜下血肿合并脑内血肿 2 5例、亚急性硬膜下血肿 7例。颅脑 CT扫描均发现颅内有不同密度的阴影。136例行手术治疗、10例保守治疗。存活 132例 ,死亡 14例。提示老年颅内血肿的常见原因为坠落伤 ,临床表现可不典型 ,以慢性硬膜下血肿最多见 ,颅脑 CT扫描最具诊断价值 ,手术清除血肿是最主要的治疗措施。患者伤后意识水平、治疗及时与否与其预后密切相关。
The cause,clinical presentation,radiological finding,method of treatment and prognosis were retrogradely studied in 146 elderly patients with traumatic intracranial hematoma The main cause of injury were falls(49%)and traffic accidents(15%) 80 of the 146 patients were diagnosed with chronic subdural hematoma,7 subacute subdural hematoma,9 acute subdural hematoma,11 acute epidural hematoma,14 acute intracerebral hematoma and 25 acute subdural hematoma complicated with intracerebral hematoma CT scan demonstrated positive findings in all patients One hundred and thirsty six patients were treated surgically and 10 with medication One hundred and thirsty two patients survived and 14 died The result suggests that elderly patients with traumatic intracranial hematoma may have atypical symptom CT scan is the most valuable diagnostic method and evacuation of hematoma the most effective treatment The consciousness level,the timing of operation are correlated with the prognosis of the patients [WT5”HZ]
Shandong Medical Journal