目的了解云南省不同地区傣族儿童G6PD缺乏症的流行病学现状。方法对云南省3个不同地区3 075名傣族儿童采用荧光斑点试验和G6PD/6PGD定量比值法检测进行G6PD缺乏症筛查,并进行统计学分析。结果G6PD缺乏症检出率为4.8%,男童为6.8%,女童为2.8%,不同年龄G6PD缺乏率男女童有明显差异,男童明显高于女童;G6PD缺乏率以傣族(新平县)9.7%居首,各地区之间差异有统计学意义。结论G6PD缺乏率男童高于女童,符合X伴性遗传方式;G6PD缺乏症的分布与地域有关,开展遗传咨询及进行G6PD检测为G6PD缺乏症的预防提供了有价值的基础资料。
Objective To understand the epidemiological status of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase(G6PD) deficien cy among the children of 3 Dai in different regions of Yunnan.Methods Totally 3 075 samples collected from Dai nationality children 3 different regions of Yunnan were tested by fluorescent spot test,G6PD/6PGD quantitative ratio assay and hemoglo bin electrophoresis.Results The detection rate of G6PD deficiency were 4.8%,being 6.8%,for boys and 2.8% for girls,show ing significant difference.The incidence of G6PD deficientcy in the Dai Ethnic group was the highest(9.7%,in Xinping coun ty) and significant differences were observed in G6PD incidence in different regions.Conclusion The incidence of G6PD de ficiency in the boys was higher than that of the girls and the distribution of G6PD was associated with geography.Genetic con sultation and G6PD deficiency screening can offer valuable information for control of G6PD.
China Tropical Medicine