
引入狗獾活动规律和取食行为的研究 被引量:5

Activity Laws and Feeding Behavior of Introduced Badgers
摘要 [目的]探究半散放条件下引入狗獾(Meles meles)的四季活动规律和取食行为。[方法]于2011年3月至2012年3月在上海市郊区采用红外夜间监视仪对从山东引入的狗獾进行了活动规律和取食行为的研究。[结果]新出生的幼獾春、夏季受到母獾照料,出洞时间较成体平均晚35 min,夜间活动持续时间较成体平均短40 min;与自然环境下上海本地狗獾相比,引入狗獾四季夜间活动持续时间均较长,平均长约2.50 h,且最长活动时间发生在夏季,为9.85 h;不同季节引入狗獾对于人工补饲的取食情况差异明显,其中秋季平均每天取食时间最长,为2.93 h,占夜间活动持续时间的比重也最大,为34.8%;春、夏季取食时间较分散,秋、冬季则较集中,分别集中在16:00~20:00和0:00~4:00时间段,分别占整个取食时间的61.0%和62.0%。[结论]为上海地区狗獾种群的生态恢复提供了参考。 [Objective] The aim was to study activity laws and feeding behavior of introduced badgers under semi-free conditions.[Method] The activity laws and feeding behavior of badgers(Meles meles) introduced from Shandong to Shanghai were observed by infrared video camera from March 2011 to March 2012.[Result] The new born baby emerged from cave for 35 minutes later than adults averagely and had 40 minutes of night activity duration time shorter than adults in spring and summer when they were taken cared by mother.Compared with local badgers under natural conditions,the night activity duration time of introduced badgers was about 2.50 h in four seasons averagely,and the longest duration time of 9.85 h happened in summer.There were significant differences in feeding artificial diet among introduced badgers in different seasons.Among them the longest average daily feeding time of 2.93 h happened in autumn,which accounted for the biggest ratio of 34.8% in night activity duration time.The feeding time distribution was dispersive in spring and summer while concentrated between 16:00 and 20:00 in autumn and between 0:00 and 4:00 in winter which accounted for 61.0% and 62.0% in whole feeding time respectively.[Conclusion] This research could provide reference for the ecological restoration of badger population in Shanghai area.
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2013年第8期3407-3409,共3页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
基金 上海市科委科技项目(48042780)
关键词 狗獾 引入 活动规律 取食行为 Meles meles Introduced Activity laws Feeding behavior
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