目的 通过DNA序列分析 ,确定福建省HIV 1流行毒株的亚型。方法 从福建省HIV 1抗体阳性者中选择 9例经性接触感染HIV 1者 ,采集其全血分离周围血淋巴细胞 (PBMCs)提取DNA作为PCR扩增的模板 ,设计合成 3对套式引物扩增HIV 1前病毒DNA的C2~V3区用于测序。所测序列与HIV 1中的 6个亚型的 10个国际标准或参考序列进行比较 ,确定被检标本的型别。结果使用PCR技术对 9份福建HIV 1阳性感染者PBMC样品进行扩增 ,获得HIV 1膜蛋白 (env)基因的核酸片段 ,并对其约 2 47bp核苷酸序列进行了分析、比较 ,证实 9份样品中 7份为E亚型 ,其余 2份分别为B和C亚型毒株。E亚型各株间序列存在一定差异 ,组内基因离散率为 6 2 8± 2 40。结论 福建省目前HIV 1的流行株主要为E亚型 ,流行株的来源较为复杂 ,株间序列差异不仅与感染时间有关 ,也和感染地点不同等因素有关 ,这些特点不同于我国其他一些省份发现的经血传播的HIV 1B或C亚型 ,其流行时间不长 。
Objective To identify the HIV 1 subtype epidemic in Fujian by nucleotide sequencing. Methods According to the epidemiological data, more than 100 persons with HIV 1 sero positive were found in Fujian province by the end of 1998. About 95% of them were infected with HIV 1 by heterosexual contacts either abroad or home. In the study, DNA fragments of HIV 1 env gene were amplified by PCR from uncultured peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) obtained from 8 persons infected with HIV and 1 patient with AIDS in the province. The amplified products of C2 V3 region of HIV 1 were sequenced, and about 247bp of sequence from each specimen were compared with the consensus sequence of 10 reference HIV 1 strains which were 1A, 2B, 2C, 3E, 1D and 1F subtypes, respectively. Results DNA fragments could be amplified from 9 PBMC samples by using nested PCR. Sequence analysis showed that there were 3 HIV 1 subtypes, E( n =7), B( n =1)and C( n =1) in the province. Nucleotide differences were seen between each sequence in the E subtype group, and the gene divergence of innergroup was 6.28±2.40. Conclusions The major HIV 1 strain epidemic in Fujian is E subtype which has disseminated to the province varied with sources and times. These characteristics are different with that B and C subtypes found in IDUs in some provinces.
Chinese Journal of Microbiology and Immunology