继 1999年 11月 15日与美国达成关于我国“入世”协议后 ,陆续完成了与欧盟等的谈判 ,我国加入世界贸易组织的前景已经十分明朗。国内理论界及实际业务部门对入世的利弊分析也更加具体 ,但对千年回合前后实现“入世” ,即以成员国的资格参与千年回合的谈判 ,还是以非成员国的资格面对千年回合 ,我们的处境 ,所承担的责任和权利是大不相同的。因此 ,本文通过对WTO基本原则等的分析 ,深入剖析西方大国对我国的态度 ,以作好千年回合前。
China,after signing the Agreement on her re-entry into the WTO with the USA on November 15,1999,finished the negotiations with the members of EU.So the prospect of China’s re-entry into the World Trade Organization is quite clear.Both academic circles and businesses in China are making more and more detailed analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the “re-entry”.However,China’s situation and the obligations and interests she will share in the world economy will largely depend on whether China will be accepted as a formal member of the WTO or regarded as a non-member when she sits at the conference table in the Millennium Round.Therefore,this article,through a thorough research into the basic principles of The WTO,goes deep into the attitude of the Western powers towards China in order that China will be well-prepared for the prospect.
Journal of Hebei University of Economics and Business