将鸡毒支原体 F株经培养基连续传 36代后的菌株培养物以鼻内和胸腔内感染接种的方式在 SPF鸡体内连续回传 5代 ,然后分别取各回传代次的 F株接种无鸡毒支原体和滑液支原体感染的小雏和 SPF鸡胚 ,同时以没经回传的原始代次作为对照 ,比较观察各代次 F株的毒力变化情况。试验结果表明 ,经回传 SPF鸡 5代的各代次 F株培养物接种小雏对鸡不致病 ,所有接种鸡气囊均未出现病变 ,和未经回传 SPF鸡的 F株的结果完全一致 ;经过回传的各代次 F株和未经回传的 F株对
Mycoplasma gallisepticum F\|36 strain was passed 5 passages in SPF chickens by nase drop and air\|sac injection and then recovered.Some young chickens and SPF chicken embryoes were infected with each of 1~5 passage F\|36 strain respectively to determinate their virlence stability.All of chickens were necropsied at 20 days postinfection for air\|sac lesions obsivation.All of infected chicken embryoes were noted each 12 hours for vialitity until 7 days postinoculation.The result showed that the chicken infected with each of 1~5 passages M.gallisepticum F\|36 strain did not show any sir\|sac lesion postinfection 20 days.The virulense of 1~5 passages MG F\|36 had no different for SPF embryoes.
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Drug