
太湖水生维管束植物及其合理开发利用的调查研究 被引量:10

Preliminary Study on the Aquatic Weeds of the Tai Lake and Their Rational Development and Utilization
摘要 根据1988年对东太湖6个断面,22个采集点的采样结果,以及利用卫星遥感测析太湖水草分布图表明:东太湖沉水植物平均生物量为湿重689g/m^2,资源量约7.72万t(或能量2.32×10^(10)千卡),优势种为苦草48.2%,马来眼子菜32.9%,其次为轮叶黑藻、聚草和小眼子菜等。西太湖沉水植物主要分布于竺山湖、杨湾一带,资源量约3.98万t(或能量7.59×10^(?)千卡)。挺水植物、东太湖主要为菰,生物量5.275kg/m^2,面积约7.5万亩,资源量约26.4万t(或能量7.92×10^(10)千卡)。芦苇主要分布于西太湖沿岸,面积约1.4381万亩,生物量6.9kg/m^2,资源量约6.62万t(或能量1.99×10^(10)千卡)。太湖水生植物的覆盖度约8%。文中讨论了近10年来太湖水生维管束植物的种、量变化,以及与螺类密度的关系和渔业利用等问题,并对合理利用太湖水生植物资源提出建议。 According to the result of sampling at 22 points on 6 transections of the eastern Tai Lake in 1988, and the distribution map of aquatic weeds in the Tai Lake by use of satellite remote sensing, the estimated biomass of submergent aquatic weeds in east the Tai Lake was 689.0g/m2 in wet weight, the total estimated resource was 77,200 tons (equivalent to 2.32×1010Kcal energy). The dominant species were Vallisncria spiralie L., accounted for 48.2% of the total biomass, Potamoqotor malainus Mig., accounted for 32.9%, the rest were llydrilla verticillata Royle, Myriophyllum spicatum L. and Potamogeton pusilus etc., in the western Tai Lake, submergent aquatic weeds mainly distributed in the Zhushan Lake and Yangwan (part of Lake Taihu). The estimated resource was 39 800 tons (equivalent to 7.5 × 109Kcal). The dominant species were Vallisneria spirajis L. and llydrilla verticillata poyle. Tha dominant emergedwaquatic weed in the eastern Tai Lake was Zizania caduciflora Hand-Mazz, with the average biomass of 5.275 kg/m2, which covered the area of 5000 ha, the total estimated biomass was about 264,000 tons (equivalent to 7.92×1010Kcal). therefore, Phragmitis communis Trin. was the dominant emerged aquatic weeds distributed along the west bank of the Tai Lake; it covered the area of about 959 ha; the average biomass was 6.5 kg/m2, the estimated resource was 66,200 tons (equivalent to 199 × 1010Kcal). The area covered with aquatic weeds accounted for 8% of the total area of the Tai Lake. The changes of species composition and biomass of aquatic weeds in the Tai Lake in the past 10 years were also discussed. The discussion on the relationship betweew the density of snails and biomass of aquatic weeds and fisheries utilization to the weeds were also involved. Finally, suggestions regarding the rational utilization of aquatic weeds in the Tai Lake were proposed.
出处 《大连水产学院学报》 CSCD 1991年第1期13-20,共8页 Journal of Dalian Fisheries University
关键词 水生 维管束植物 开发 利用 Aquatic weeds, Biomass, Resource, Fisheries utilization
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