目的探讨美国65岁以上人群冠心病、脑血管病、心衰以及心衰并发症住院率的变化趋势。方法调查美国1980~2006年住院患者出院数据(NHDS),按照国际疾病分类法(ICD-9-CM)确定出院时冠心病、脑血管疾病和心衰。年龄和性别的住院率以美国2000年的人口数据为基数计算。结果 1980~2006年冠心病和脑血管疾病的住院率显著下降,男性冠心病住院率每年减少2.24%,脑血管疾病减少1.55%,女性冠心病住院率每年减少2.36%,脑血管疾病减少1.34%。冠心病和脑血管疾病住院的绝对数继续增加,而住院率减少的原因是人口老龄化。此外,因心衰而住院的比例显著增加,男性每年增加1.20%,女性增加1.55%。约50%男性心衰病人和40%女性心衰病人合并有冠心病、慢性阻塞性肺病、糖尿病、肾功能衰竭或肺炎。结论冠心病和脑血管疾病仍然是主要的公共健康问题,心衰住院率有增加趋势,心衰与重大疾病的合并症在增加,心衰已经成为控制心血管疾病的新挑战。
Objective This study aimed to update the long-term trend of coronary heart disease (CHD), cerebrovascular disease(CBVD),and heart failure(HF) hospitalization rates and HF comorbidity among adults aged 65 and older in the United States. Methods Data from the National Hospital Discharge Surveys between 1980 and 2006 were used. CHD,CBVD,and HF were defined using the principal(first-listed)diagnosis of disease at hospital discharge according to the ICD-9-CM code. Census estimated population data(2000)were used to estimate age and gender-specific hospitalization rates. Results Age-adjusted CHD and CBVD hospitalization rates have significantly decreased between 1980 and 2006 ,with an estimated annual decrease rate of 2.24% for CHD and 1.55% for CBVD in men,and 2.36% for CHD and 1.34% for CBVD in women. However,the absolute numbers of CHD and CBVD hospitalization continued to increase partly because of the aging population. Furthermore, HF hospitalization rates have significantly increased with an estimated annual rate increase of 1.20% in men and 1.55% in women between 1980 and 2006. Of six selected comorbidities,about 50% in men and 40% in women with HF had a coexisting disease of CHD, followed by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes mellitus, renal failure and pneumonia. Conclusion While the burden of CHD and CBVD remains the major public health problem, HF has emerged as a new challenge in cardiovascular disease control,characterized by increased trends of HF hospitalization and increased comorbidities from major diseases.
Journal of Chengdu Medical College
Heart failure
Coronary heart disease
Cerebrovascular disease, Hospitalization rates