探讨卫生防疫工作在创建和治理旅游城市中的职责与作用。通过回顾性对比分析研究张家界市 1 0年来的工作实践 ,采取的措施是 :消灭当地曾流行的丝虫病、疟疾 ;控制碘缺乏病和结核病的流行 ;加强疫情管理 ,重点防治肠道传染病 ;强化公共场所食品卫生监督监测 ;提高健康教育水平 ,增强全民卫生意识。卫生防疫工作开展为游客提供了较好的吃、住、游的卫生条件 ,有力地促进了旅游事业的发展。
We studied the responsibility and roles of hygiene epidemic prevention work for establishing and running tour city by retrospective method.We summarized the hygiene epidemic prevention work over the past 10 years.There were some effective measures as following:wiping out filariasis and malarial that used to be epidemic;controlling the epidemic of lodine deficiency disorder and TB;enforcing management of epidemic of infectious diseases and paying attention to prevention and treatment of intestinal communicable disease;reinforcing surveillance of food hygienelcarrying out education to improve peoples health consciousness;Hygiene epidemic prevention work provided healthy conditions of food,room and tour for tourists and promoted development of tour industry.
Chinese Health Service Management