目前我国有高血压病 人1.1亿,平均每3个家庭有一名病人。高血压病人的知晓率、服药率及控制率均很低。因而光靠个体战略或医疗行为难以胜任防治需求,根本出路应是健康教育和一级预防。
The 1991 na-tional -wide hypertension survey showed the incidence rate of hypertension in ages ≥15 is 11. 88% in China. The rate of awareness is 26. 6% , of medication is 12. 2%, of control is only 2. 9%. How could hypertension be controlled in China? The main way should be primary preven-tion and community-based health care, es-pecially health education, healthy behavior.
Contemporary Medicine