1Peter Kaminsky, "Ravel's late music and the prob- lem of ' polytonality' ",Music Theory Spectrum, 26/2 ( 2004 ): 237-264. 被引量:1
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3Steven Baur,"Ravel's 'Russian' Period: Octatoni- cism in His Early Works, 1893-1908",Journal of the Ameri- can Musicological Society, 52/3 ( 1999 ): 531-92. 被引量:1
5Arbie Orenstein, (ed.),A Ravel Reader: Correspon- dence, Articles, Interviews, New York: Columbia University Press, 1990:590-391 ;458. 被引量:1
6Robert Rogers, "Jazz Influence on French Music", The Musical Quarterly,21/1 (1935),53-68. 被引量:1
7Carine Perret, "L'adoption du jazz par Darius Milhaud et Maurice Ravel: L' esprit plus que la letter",Revue de Musicologie,89/2(2003): 311-347. 被引量:1
8Debrorah Mawer, "Crossing borders II: Ravel's theory and practice of jazz",in Deborah Mawer(ed.),Ravel Studies, Cambridge University Press, 2010:114-137. 被引量:1
9Pamela Jean Ramsay, "Jazz Influence in the Music of Maurice Rav- el", California State University(Master dissertation), 1975. 被引量:1
10Debrorah Mawer, "Crossing borders II: Ravel's theory and practice of jazz", p. 114-137. 被引量:1