
欧盟METS管辖权的海洋扩张与限制及中国应对策略分析 被引量:1

The expansion and limitation of the EU METS and the possible countermeasures that China can adopt
摘要 欧盟颁布《2008年航空碳排放交易指令》将国际航空纳入其碳排放交易体系,随后,欧盟一直积极筹划将国际海运也纳入到该体系中。但由于国际海运温室气体排放的全球性等特点,欧盟此举将可能产生一定的域外效果。然而,无论从国际习惯法,还是《联合国海洋法公约》角度看,其域外管辖的效力均应受到质疑。中国作为欧盟最大的贸易伙伴国和航运大国,也应未雨绸缪,积极从法律、政治、外交等途径寻求应对之策,防范于未然。 Since the international aviation was brought into the European Union' s unilateral trading system by the Directive 2008/101, the European Commission conformed that it will impose a cap-and-trade system on international maritime shipping emissions as well. However, this proposal may expand the jurisdiction of European Union' s Emissions Trading System ( EU ErrS) improperly as the international freight shipping is a truly global industry. If the EU decides to incorporate the interna- tional shipping industry into the EU ETS, whether its marine emissions trading system' s extraterritorial jurisdiction complies with the principles of customary international law and some international conventions, especially the United Nations Conven- tion on the Law of the Sea is under questioning. China, as the biggest trade partner of the EU and one of the largest shipping states, should think about some countermeasures in the way of international law, politics and diplomacy to cope with the pos- sible negative influence resulted by the proposed scheme of EU in advance
作者 胡斌
出处 《中国海商法研究》 CSSCI 2013年第1期78-84,共7页 Chinese Journal of Maritime Law
关键词 海运碳排放交易体系 海运减排 国际法 管辖权 域外效力 the marine carbon emissions trading system maritime emissions reduction international law jurisdiction ex-traterritorial jurisdiction
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