目的了解卵巢肿物的超声造影(CEUS)特点,探讨CEUS成像在卵巢肿物中的诊断价值。方法 86例患者共计106个经手术病理证实的卵巢肿物,分别进行了常规超声(CUS)检查和CEUS检查。CUS检查检出病变,观察病变的二维超声表现和彩色多普勒的血流情况,并对血流进行分级。经静脉团注Sonovue超声造影剂,观察病变部位的造影增强类型和增强强度。比较CUS检查和CEUS检查在卵巢肿物的血流显示和定性方面的诊断价值。结果 106个卵巢肿物中,CUS检出血流91个,血流敏感性85.8%;拟诊良性27个,恶性79个。CEUS检出血流106个,血流敏感性100%;拟诊良性33个,恶性73个。与术后病理结果对比,CUS检查诊断准确性84.9%,灵敏度92.0%,特异度67.7%,阳性预测值87.3%,阴性预测值77.8%;CEUS检查诊断准确性92.5%,灵敏度93.3%,特异度90.3%,阳性预测值95.9%,阴性预测值84.8%。结论利用CEUS成像可以更好地了解卵巢肿物血流情况,利于肿物血流的检出;良性肿物和恶性肿物具有不同的造影增强特点;CEUS成像有助于卵巢肿物的良恶性判定。
Objective To determine the value of contrast-enhanced ultrasonography (CEUS) in diagnosing ovarian tumors. Methods Both conventional ultrasonography (CUS) and CEUS were performed in 86 patients with ovarian masses. A total of 106 ovarian masses from those patients were examined for pathological changes. The blood flow and color scores determined by CUS and CEUS and the contrast intensity determined by CEUS were analyzed and compared with the pathological results. Results Blood flow was detected in 91 ovarian masses by CUS, with 27 diagnosed as benign and 79 as malignant. Blood flow was detected in 106 ovarian masses by CEUS, with 33 diagnosed as benign and 73 as malignant. CUS had 84.9% diagnostic accuracy, 92.0% sensitivity, 67.7% specificity, 87.3% positive predictive value, and 77.8% negative predictive value. CEUS had 92.5% diagnostic accuracy, 93.3% sensitivity, 90.3% specificity, 95.9% positive predictive value, and 84.8% negatvie predictive value. Conclusion CEUS is a better instrument than CUS for diagnosing ovarian tumors through blood flow detection.
Journal of Sichuan University(Medical Sciences)