
软计算方法在焊接数学建模和参数优化中的应用 被引量:1

Application of Soft Computing in Mathematical Modelling and Parameter Optimization of Welding
摘要 焊接是一个高度非线性和具有大量不确定性因素的物理过程,使用传统的数学模型法和回归分析方法很难对焊接过程进行完整的描述。软计算作为一种新兴的智能化计算方法,以其高容错性、自学习和并行处理等优势越来越多的应用于焊接领域。本文在对相关文献调研的基础上,阐述了软计算方法在焊接各个领域里的研究现状和应用前景。 Welding is a physical process with highly nonlinearity and massive stochastic uncertainty, so it is difficult to evaluate the problem comprehensively by using traditional mathematical method and regression analysis. As a new developed intelligent method, the soft computing teclmiques were widely used in modeling and optimization of welding industry,due to the advantages of high fault tolerance, self learning ability and parallel processing. The present research situation and application prospects of soft computing techniques in different aspects of welding was illustrated based on the extensive investigation.
作者 田亮 罗宇
出处 《热加工工艺》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第9期198-200,204,共4页 Hot Working Technology
关键词 软计算 焊接 数学建模 参数优化 soft computing welding mathematical modelling parameter optimization
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