
R32多联机可行性分析 被引量:2

摘要 本文分析了R32制冷剂热物理和循环特性,论述了R32有利于多联机系统能效的提高。从泄露量和最大充注量限定等安全方面,评估了R32制冷工质可使用在制冷量在18KW以下的家用多联机系统上。并提出了R32多联机开发过程中可能存在的系统问题。 In this paper, the thermal physical property and cycling characteristic of R32 were analyzed. The benefit of using R32 for improving COP of multi-split air conditioning system was dissertated. The feasibility of using R32 for the VRF system less than 18KW was evaluated according to tbe leak and charging amount. The potential problems in developing process of multi-split air conditioning system using R32 were also present.
出处 《日用电器》 2013年第4期57-61,共5页 ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES
关键词 R32 多联机 系统能效 安全性 R32 multi-split air conditioning system COP of system security
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