Two new ferrocenyl sulfide-metal chelates,1,1'-bis(ethylthio)ferro-cene platinum (FcSE-Pt) and rhodium (FcSE-Rh) complexes have been prepared from 1,1'-dilithioferrocene via mercaptoethylation with ethyl disulfide, followed by the reaction with potassium chloroplatin;te or rhodium chloride in acetone under nitrogen atmosphere. The structure of the complexes was characterized by elementary analysis and XPS. Decene, dodecene, allyl benzene, allyl phenyl ether and allyl glycidyl ether were used as probe to explore the catalytic behavior of the above-mentioned complexes.It is found that the complexes are effective catalysts for the hydrosilylation of the above-mentioned olefins with triethoxysilane at 70-120℃. The possible mechanism of the hydrosilylation catalyzed by FcSE-Pt and FcSE-Rh v/as discussed.