
移动增强现实(AR)技术在图书馆中应用前景分析 被引量:80

Analyzing the Application of Mobile Augmented Reality in Libraries
摘要 作为一种新型信息技术,移动增强现实(Augmented Reality,AR)技术近年来受到关注。移动AR利用移动终端,借助对实体对象的识别,通过计算或在数据库中获取虚拟信息,并将虚拟信息叠加于现场视频,实现虚拟信息对现实的"强化"。文章根据移动AR技术的特点,结合图书馆的业务实际,提出了移动AR技术在图书馆中的五种应用,分别是:提供图书馆指引服务,实现图书定位,提升阅读体验,开展信息推送,促进馆藏资源的开发和利用。由于移动AR技术尚处于发展阶段,关于移动AR技术在图书馆中的应用仍有待进一步探索。 As a new information technology, mobile augmented reality (referred to as AR) has attracted widely attention. Using mobile gadgets as terminals, mobile AR recognizes physical objects, computes or retrieves virtual information online and registers virtual information with physical environments, thus the reinforcement of reality by virtual information is realized. This paper combines mobile AR and library operation, and brings about five applications of mobile AR in libraries, which include li- brary orientation locating, books, enhancing reading experience, and information pushing as well as collection exploitation. With mobile AR in the earlier phase, a lot of works need to be done to find new applications of mobile AR in libraries. 15 refs.
作者 付跃安
出处 《中国图书馆学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期34-39,共6页 Journal of Library Science in China
关键词 移动技术 增强现实技术 图书馆 Mobile technology. Augmented Reality. Libraries.
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