

Design and Experimental Evaluation of an Energy-efficient BitTorrent Proxy Protocol
摘要 随着因特网普及,因上网而消耗的能源迅速上升,逐渐成为世界能源消耗的主要部分之一.这些能源绝大部分消耗在终端计算机上,包括用户的个人电脑和大型数据中心的服务器等.将重点考虑用户在P2P下载(如BT下载)中,因个人电脑必须处在长期工作状态而导致的能耗.我们设计了一种新型的BT下载协议,引入一种新的BT协议的网络结构,从而在不牺牲用户BT下载的速度的情况下,允许用户的个人电脑在一定时间内待机或关机,以此大量降低BT下载协议的能耗.对该协议用实验进行了验证,实验证明新型BT下载协议最高可以减少95%的能耗,同时还能缩短文件的平均下载时间. As Internet becomes more widely used, Internet-related energy consumption rises and gradually become one of the main components of world's energy usage. Most of this energy is used on terminal machines, such as personal computers and data center servers. This article focuses on the energy consumption caused during Bit Torrent download, due to the fact that client computers involved in BT download cannot be turned off during the entire downloading process. The article redesigns the BT protocol, introduces a new BT network structure, so that client computers can be switched off to dramatically save power consumption while not sacrificing downloading speed. Experiments confirm that the new BT protocol can save up to 95% energy consumption and shorten the average file downloading time.
作者 赵洪 傅璐璐
出处 《数学的实践与认识》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第8期134-143,共10页 Mathematics in Practice and Theory
关键词 下载程序 BT协议 P2P download procedure bittorrent downloading P2P
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