钦杭成矿带南段和寮铅锌多金属矿地区矿化、近矿体和远离矿体等三类岩石样品中石英的粉晶X射线衍射、红外光谱及拉曼光谱研究结果表明,远离矿体和矿化岩石样品中的石英较为纯净,而近矿岩石样品中的石英含有少量杂质,但这种少量的杂质并没有引起石英晶胞参数的明显变化;远离矿体的岩石→近矿岩石→矿化岩石中石英的结晶度和有序度越来越高的,且矿化岩石样品中的α-石英有向对称性较低的石英转变趋势;石英的1 050cm-1红外吸收峰分裂为一对强双峰为含矿岩石样品所独有,可以有效地作为是否成矿的标志;造成石英微观结构变化的原因可能与后期成矿热液的活动密切相关。远离矿体的岩石中石英形成后受后期热液的影响很弱,含矿样品中的石英受多期次热液的作用易产生重结晶、结构调整作用等而纯化,而近矿岩石样品中的石英受到热液的影响但不足以达到纯化的效果。谱学研究是一种深入探讨研究区成矿过程、成矿规律的有效技术。
The XRD, FTIR and Raman spectrum were employed to study the characters of quartz from three types of rock sam- pies, which are mineralized rock sample, near ore body rock sample and far away from ore body rock sample in Heliao lead-zinc polymetallic ore district. The research shows that the quartz in the mineralized rock and far away from ore body rock is pure, while the quartz in near ore body rock contains a small amount of impurities. But such small amounts of impurities did not cause apparent change in the quartz lattice parameters. From far away from ore body rock→near ore body roek→mineralized rock, the crystallinity and order degree of quartz are higher and higher.And the quartz in the mineralized rock has a trend to change into low symmetry quartz. It's a unique to mineralized rock that the quartz's absorption peak at 1 050 cm-1 was split into two stron- gest ones. It can be used as the signs of whether exists mineralization. The cause for the quartz microstructure changes may be related to the activities of late mineralized hydrothermal fluids. Late hydrothermal influence was very weak to the quartz far away from ore body rock. And through the impact of the multi-stage hydrothermal effect, the quartz in mineralized rock may be puri- fied by recrystallization and structural adjustment. However the quartz in near ore body rock didn't have enough hydrothermal influence, so it's not pure. Genealogy research technology is a useful technique for in-depth exploration of study area mineraliza- tion process and metallogenic regularity.
Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis