

Summary of the Research on SNARC Effects
摘要 本文介绍了SNARC效应的发现,论述了SNARC效应存在的普遍性。并初步探讨SNARC效应产生的原因:SNARC效应的形成是否决定于后天,SNARC效应是否可由顺序信息引起。 The article introduces the discovery of SNARC effects and elaborates the universality of their existence. And then it briefly discusses the causes of SNARC effects: whether the form of the effects is decided by the acquired factors and whether the effects can be produced by order information.
作者 嵇亭亭 王军
出处 《科教导刊》 2013年第9期150-150,164,共2页 The Guide Of Science & Education
关键词 SNARC效应 数字表征 数字加工 SNARC effects digital characterization digital processing
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