
中国古代信访监督制度的演变及其启示意义 被引量:2

The Evolution of Ancient Chinese PititionLetters Supervision System and Enlightment
摘要 文章较为详细地辨析了中国古代信访监督制度的演变过程和特点,从中概括了要吸纳善待百姓的民本思想、纠错功能、反映社情民意、检举揭发、疏导渲泄、维护社会稳定六个方面的作用,这对如何做好新时期的信访监督工作具有重要的启示意义。 This Article in detail analyzes the evolution process and the characteristics of pitition letters supervisory system in ancient China, from which it sums up the fact that we should absorb the six functions of the people - based thought by being good to the people, the error correcting function, reflecting social conditions and public opinions, impeach and exposure, persuasion and venting maintaining and of social stal?ility, which are of important enlightment on how to do well the pitition letters supervision work in the new period that.
作者 潘克森
机构地区 江西省科学院
出处 《江西教育学院学报》 2013年第1期159-164,共6页 Journal of Jiangxi Institute of Education
关键词 中国古代 信访监督 制度演变 启示意义 ancient China pitition letters supervision system evolution enlightment meaning
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