目的 :评价托百士 (0 .3%妥布霉素 )眼药的临床疗效。方法 :外眼感染患者随机分成托百士治疗组与氧氟沙星治疗组进行对照研究 ,于用药前、用药后 4~ 5天、 9~ 10天分别作细菌培养 ,根据临床观察 (症状和体征综合评分 )及菌培养结果判定药物的治疗效果。结果 :115例菌培养阳性的外眼感染患者 ,托百士组 75例 ,显效 36例 ,有效 34例 ,总有效 70例 ,有效率 93.33% ;氧氟沙星组 40例 ,显效 15例 ,有效 2 1例 ,总有效 36例 ,有效率 90 % ;二者统计学处理无显著差异。药敏试验妥布霉素敏感率为 93.97% ,氧氟沙星敏感率为 93.0 3%。结论 :托百士是高效的抗感染药 ,治疗外眼感染 (尤其是绿脓杆菌感染 )
Purpose:To assess the effects of tobramycin for treatment ocular infection Methods:The patients with external ocular infection randomly assigned to treatment with either 0 3% tobramycin or 0 3% ofloxacin eye drops Ocular cultures were obtained from each affected eye before treatment and follow up examinations were conducted at day 4~5 and again at day 9~10 Treatment efficacy was assessed according to results of the patients clinical examination using a cumulative summary score Results:Of the 115 patients with external bacterial ocular infection,75 cases were treated by tobramycin eye drop and 40 cases floxacin eye drops Overall improvement rates were 93 33% in tobramycin group and 90% in floxacin group There was not statistical significance Conclusin:0 3% Tobramycin eye drops is a very efficient antibiotic ophthalmic drug for treatment external ocular infection especially pseudomonas aeruginosa
Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology