目的 :三种青光眼房水引流物治疗难治性青光眼 ,评价三种不同类型的青光眼房水引流物的临床治疗效果。方法 :49例难治性青光眼其中新生血管性青光眼 19例 ,2 5例继发性青光眼 ,2例先天性青光眼 ,3例恶性青光眼 ,均施行颞上象限前房到赤道部区域的青光眼房水引流物的植入术 ,其中用 molteno植入 6例 ,用 Baerveldt植入 8例 ,用 Ahmed植入 35例。结果 :用 molteno植入术后一个月 ,4例眼压在 1.37k Pa~ 2 .12 k Pa,成功率 6 6 .7% ,用 Baerveldt植入术后一个月 ,5例眼压在 1.0 4k Pa~ 2 .5 1k Pa,成功率 75 % ,5例随诊 5个月以上 ,3例眼压在 1.0 4k Pa~ 2 .31k Pa,成功率 6 0 %。用 Ahmed植入 35例 ,12例新生血管性青光眼 ,术后一个月眼压在 1.0 4k Pa~ 2 .74kpa,成功率 83% ,8例随诊 6个月以上 ,眼压在 1.78k Pa~ 2 .74k Pa,成功率 6 6 .7% ,19例继发性青光眼 ,术后一个月 ,15例眼压在 1.4k Pa~ 2 .98k Pa,成功率 79% ,8例术后观察随诊 12个月以上 ,5例眼压在 1.6 0 k Pa~2 .92 k Pa成功率 6 2 .5 %。手术并发症包括短暂性前房出血 ,术后低眼压 ,短暂性浅前房 ,引流管外露 ,结膜伤口瘘 ,暴发性脉络膜出血 ,渗出性脉络膜出血等。结论 :三种不同类型的房水引流物在治疗难治性青光眼中仍不失为治疗这?
Objective:to evaluate the three of the aqueous drainage implants of the result for treatment the refractory glaucoma Methods:49 eyes of the refractory glaucoma were implanted with three of the aqueous drainage implants,six eyes with molteno,eight eyes with Baerveldt,35 eyes with Ahmed.Result:postoperatively.after one month of the intraocular pressure was 1 37kPa~2.12kPa(66 7%)for 4 eyes with Molteno implants,the intraocular pressure was 1 04kPa~2 51kPa(75%)for 5 eyes with Barveldt implants,the intraocular pressure was 1 04kPa~2.98kPa(83%) for 12 eyes of the newvascular glucoma,6 months follow up the intraocular pressure was 1 78kPa~2 74kPa(66 7%) for 8 eyes.was 1 40kPa~2 98kPa(74%)for 15 eyes of the secondary glucoma with Ahmed implants.12 months follow up the intraocular pressure was 1 60kPa~2 92kPa(62 5%).Conclusion:comparatively,Ahmed implant is a better than the other two of the aqueous drainage implants for treatment refractory glaucoma.
Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology