

Cubic Shape Preserving Interpolation Surface and Its Offset Surface
摘要 为了生成通过有限个离散点的光滑曲面及其等距曲面,构造了含参数三次有理插值样条模型,该模型可通过选取其中的形状参数使得曲面具有保形性并达到一阶连续。并通过适当调整插值函数中的参数进行交互式的修改,以得到满意的曲面及其等距曲面,再结合细分算法达到要求的逼近精度。 A new method was developed to generate curve offset using rational cubic interpolation spline with rameters. The interpolation spline is produced using only a few discrete point data and the spline surface can pao be modi? ed by adjusting the shape parameters under the condition that the interpolation data are not changed. This feature gives users full freedom to control the shape of the design surface in an interactive way and at the same times the resultant surface preserves the data shape such as monotonicity and convexity.
出处 《安徽理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2013年第1期54-57,共4页 Journal of Anhui University of Science and Technology:Natural Science
关键词 有理样条 插值曲面 等距曲面 rational spiine interpolation surface offset surface
分类号 O029 [理学]
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