目的分析经皮椎体成形术治疗骨质疏松性胸腰椎压缩性骨折并发症的原因,并提出防治措施。方法采用C形臂X线机透视下经皮椎体成形术52例(60个椎体),其中男18例,女34例;年龄58~86岁,平均67岁。观察并发症发生情况。结果 10例出现并发症,骨水泥渗漏5例,其中渗漏到椎旁软组织2例,相邻椎间隙2例,椎旁静脉丛1例。临近椎体骨折2例,一过性血压降低1例,疼痛缓解不明显2例。结论严格掌握PVP的手术适应证,术中充分的X线透视监测,仔细操作,术中心电监护,术后抗骨质疏松治疗,可以有效降低并发症发生率。
Objective To analyze the reasons of the complications and the measures taken for the pre- vention and treatment by percutaneous vertebroplasty (PVP) for osteoporotie thoraeolumbars vertebral compressive fractures. Methods 52patients with 60 diseased vertebrae un - derwent PVP under the guid- ance of C - arm fluoroscopy,and 52 patients included 18 males,34 females, ranging in age from 58 to 86 years, with an average of 67years. The condition of leakage of bone ce -ment and complications was ob- served. Results Among 10 cases with complications, the leakage of bone cement found in vertebrae 5 ca- ses: soft tissue besides vertebrae in 2 cases,intervertebral discs in 2 cases, venous plexus besides verte- brae in 1 cases, and adjacent vertebral fractures in 2 cases, the blood pressure of the patient descent tem- porarily in 1 cases, the pain of the patient worsened temporarily in 2 cases. Conclusion The appropriate surgery program based on strict indication, suficient monitoring of C - arm fluoroscopy, careful operation, electrocardio - monitoring in operation as well as sustained anti - osteopo - rosis treatment after operation can effectively reduce the incidence of complications.
Journal of Zunyi Medical University
percutaneous vertebroplasty (PVP)
compression fractures of vertabralbody
postoperative complications