The unified Boltzmann model equation for gas transport phenomena of various flow regimes is presented and solved. The discrete velocity ordinate technique and the Gauss-type numerical quadrature methods are studied to resolve the barrier in simulating complex flows from low Mach numbers to hypersonic problems. Specially, the gas-kinetic finitedifference numerical scheme is constructed for the computation of three-dimensional flow problems, which directly captures the time evolution of the molecular velocity distribution function. The gas-kinetic boundary conditions and numerical procedures are studied and implemented by directly acting on the velocity distribution function. The highperformance parallel implementation technique for the gas-kinetic numerical method is developed and applied to study the hypersonic flows around three-dimensional complex bodies. The gas-kinetic unified algorithm (GKUA) solving the Bohzmann model equation is presented to study the three-dimensional hypersonic flows of spacecraft re-entry into the atmosphere. To verify the current method and simulate gas transport phenomena covering various flow regimes, the three-dimensional hypersonic flows around sphere, spherical-cone reentry and spacecraft shape with different Knudsen numbers and Mach numbers are studied. Excellent results have been obtained for all examples computed. The study indicates that the gas-kinetic unified numerical algorithm directly solving the Bohzmann simplified velocity distribution function equation may provide an important and feasible way by which complex hypersonic aerothermodynamic problems and flow mechanisms in the whole of flow regimes can be effectively studied with the aid of the power of modern computer systems.
Manned Spaceflight