This paper explains the necessity for domestic researchers in China who are addressing the concept of regional tourism cooperation to study and use core international regional tourism cooperation literature. This paper uses global literature from 1978 to 2010 to examine the characteristics of regional tourism cooperation. It discusses the economic incentives, motives, domains and modalities of the cooperative arrangements listed in the international literature. Yet, most importantly, the international literature clearly presents how to effectively apply governance theory to the study of regional tourism cooperation. The discussions within this paper are based on two assumptions. The first assumption is that general urban and tourism concepts can be applied to regions with differing political and economic backgrounds. This includes regions in developing countries such as China. The second assumption presents the 'city' as a basic operational unit that enables regional tourism cooperation. There is no universal definition of regional tourism cooperation, as we discuss in this paper. This ambiguity of geographical scale and the types of joint efforts used in tourism cooperation leads to, and creates, obstacles and confusion for cross-cultural and international comparative tourism studies. Therefore, in the future a specific definition of regional tourism cooperation is required. This definition should provide a basis for determining the factors influencing the effeetiveness of regional tourism cooperation. Our paper explores two economic incentives requiring the tourism sector to cooperate at a regional level. These components are the spatial-economic incentives of cities inside a region and the micro-economic incentives of tourist products in different cities. Furthermore, the paper eonsiders the point that tourism cooperation, and particularly regional tourism cooperation, is a popular 'scientific' term in Chinese tourism literature. Comparatively, there are more academic regional tourism cooperation studi
Tourism Tribune
international literature
regional tourism cooperation
value of reference