
优势侧肢体运动技能水平与示范模式对非优势侧肢体复杂运动技能学习的影响——以足球正脚背踢球为例 被引量:7

Effect of Skill Level of Preferred Side and Modeling Style on Non-preferred Side Complicated Motor Learning——Taking Instep Kicking as an Example
摘要 目的:探讨优势侧肢体动作技能水平与示范模式对非优势侧肢体复杂动作技能学习的影响。方法:首先,以足球正脚背踢球为载体,8名优秀运动员为研究对象,采用运动生物力学方法对非优势侧肢体动作与优势侧肢体动作的差异特征进行研究,提取能够反映双侧动作技能差异的指标;然后,将48名被试分为低水平+学习型示范组、低水平+熟练型示范组、高水平+学习型示范组、高水平+熟练型示范组,共计4组,以学习非优势侧正脚背踢球为任务,对4组被试分别进行了学习后即刻、24h保持测试以及迁移测试。结果表明:在学习、保持/迁移测试中,具有优势侧学习经验者,无论采用何种示范模式,其非优势侧肢体复杂动作技能的学习绩效均优于无优势侧学习经验者;在保持/迁移测试中,具有优势侧学习经验者,其非优势侧肢体复杂动作技能的学习绩效,采用学习型示范优于熟练型示范;无优势侧学习经验者适宜采用熟练型示范;具有优势侧学习经验者适宜采用学习型示范。 Objective: To study the effect of modeling style and skill level of preferred side on non-preferred side complicated motor learning. Method:taking instep kicking as example and studying the difference of instep kicking between preferred side and non-preferred side by the biomechanics methods. Then, 48 subjects were assigned into the beginner and learning model group, the beginner and skilled model group, the high level and learning model group, the high level and skilled model group. All subjects were respectively given learning test, 24-hour de- layed retention test and transfer test by using the instep kicking learning task. The result showed that the high level group had better effect than beginner group in all test ; the effect of non-preferred complicated motor learning by using learning model was better than the group by using skilled model in delay and transfer test. The learning effect of beginner group learning by skilled model was better that by learning model, meanwhile, the learning effect of high level group learning by learning model was better than that by skilled model.
作者 部义峰
出处 《体育科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期42-49,共8页 China Sport Science
关键词 足球 正脚背踢球 示范模式 技能水平 优势侧 非优势侧 运动技能学习 football instepkic king modeling style skill level preferred side non-preferred side motor learning J
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