目的:考察D101大孔吸附树脂对绞股蓝黄酮提取物的吸附分离性能,并探讨D101型树脂的纯化工艺条件。方法:采用静态吸附分离法确定D101大孔吸附树脂的吸附性能及分离条件;以总黄酮吸附量、总黄酮解吸附率为考察指标,采用紫外分光光度法测定总黄酮。结果:D101大孔吸附树脂对绞股蓝的总黄酮具有较好的吸附和分离性能,其分离绞股蓝总黄酮的工艺条件为:绞股蓝总黄酮上样质量浓度为8.95 mg/mL,绞股蓝总黄酮最大吸附量为9.06 mg/mL,吸附体积流量为6BV/h,洗脱剂为50%乙醇,洗脱剂用量为10倍柱体积。结论:采用D101大孔吸附树脂吸附分离绞股蓝总黄酮的性能最佳,纯化效果好,且工艺简单,成本低,具有良好的应用前景。
Objective:To set up the technology for adsorbing and separating total flavone in Gynostemma pentaphyllum with macroporous adsorption resin, and D101 macroporous adsorption resin was invested. Methods : The static adsorption and separation were used in investigation of macroporous adsorption and separation ; the dynamic adsorption and adsorption were used in studying the condition of adsorption and separation. The total fiavone adsorption capacity and desorption rate were used as the evaluation criteria. The UV spectrophotometric method was used in the determination of total flavone content. Results : The results showed that the D101 was the best for adsorbing and separating the total flavone in Gynostem- ma pentaphyllum in the following technological conditions:the concentration of Gynostemma pentaphyllum sample extract was 8.95 mg/mL ; the maximum adsorbing capacity for total flavone in Gynostemma pentaphyllum was 9.06 mg/mL; the current velocity was 6BV/h;the eluting reagent was 50% ethanol. Conclusion:It is the best way to use D101 resin to sepa- rate the total flavone in Gynostemma pentaphyllum under the technological conditions, the purification technology is bet- ter, the method of purifying total flavones is feasiable. Key words: Gynostemm pentaphyllum ( Thunb ) Makino ; macroporous adsorption resin ; total flavone; adsorption and separation
Chinese Archives of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Gynostemm pentaphyllum ( Thunb ) Makino
macroporous adsorption resin
total flavone
adsorption andseparation