By using Colorado Rockfall Simulation Program (CRSP), it is determined the villages suffered the risk of rockfall hazard and discussed the relationships between hydrological data ( daily rainfall and rainfall intensity) in ac- cordance with the natural disaster~ events from 2005 to 2010. Finally, based on the results of soil field sampling soil, by using the united soil classification method, it is determined whether or not the local materials can be offering for the disaster prevention works. Form the simulation results, it is learned that probability of rockfall at the slope of Laiyi Vil- lage is high that it is necessary to set up the facilities to protect the village. In accordance with the soil analysis result, the silt content gravel on the riverbed around the Laiyi Village belongs to the excellent grade, that is suitable to be used for the construction of the disaster prevention project. From the hydrological analysis, it is recognized the rainfall inten- sity is the key factors for disaster in this area.
Subtropical Soil and Water Conservation
Colorado Rockfall Simulation Program( CRSP), sampling soil, rainfall intensity