
超越轴心期的“词源”语源观预设——开启语言学的再创时代 被引量:1

Surpassing the Axial Presupposition of "Derivation" Etymology Inaugurating a Recreative Period of Linguistics
摘要 任何语言学理论体系都不能缺少自己的理论基石——语源观(关于语言的初始样态)。如果一个新的语言学理论没有自己的语源观,旧的语源观必然填补这个理论空白,并悄然成为它的理论基石,从而导致这个理论自身新理论与旧基石的深刻矛盾。索绪尔划时代的“符号价值系统”语言观未能在20世纪真正确立,因为它的理论底层是隐藏极深的源自轴心期的“词源”语源观预设。“词源”语源观预设必将导致源自轴心期的分类命名集语言观。彻底清除“词源”语源观基石,建立超越轴心期的崭新语源观,实现符号价值系统观与语源观的统一,将成为21世纪语言学实现重大突破的突破口,也将开启语言学的再创时代。 It is indispensable for any theoretical system of linguistics to have a viewpoint of etymology (about the original pattern of language) as its theoretical cornerstone. If a new linguistic theory is without its own viewpoint of etymology, some old viewpoints of etymology will inevitably supply itself to fill the gap to serve as its theoretical cornerstone, and so doing will bring about a contradiction between the new theory and the old cornerstone. The reason why Saussure's epoch-making viewpoint of language of "a value system of signs" had not been truly established in 20'h century is that its theoretical cornerstone is the deeply hidden presupposition of "derivation" etymology, which came from the Axial Period. It is inevitable this presupposition that leads to the classified named set viewpoint that came from the Axial Period. The elimination of the cornerstone of the "derivation" etymological viewpoint as a cornerstone and the establishment of a newviewpoint of language which integrates the value system of signs and etymological viewpoints will mark a significant break-through for 21st century linguistics, and open a period of reinvention for linguistics.
作者 肖娅曼
出处 《符号与传媒》 2013年第1期54-65,共12页 Signs & Media
基金 四川大学2008年度校级哲学社会科学研究一般项目资助成果
关键词 语言学 轴心期 语言观 语源观 超越 Linguistics Axial Period viewpoint of languageviewpoint of etymology surpass
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