
Meckel腔的临床解剖学研究 被引量:6

Clinical anatomy of Meckel's cave: a cadaveric study
摘要 目的详细的了解Meckel腔及其毗邻结构的关系。方法 4例(8侧)成人湿头颅标本均沿眉弓上缘至枕外粗隆上1 cm水平锯开颅盖骨,自大脑脚水平切除大脑,暴露Meckel腔和三叉神经,显微镜下观察并测量毗邻相关结构的形态、大小和距离。结果三叉神经孔的平均高度是(3.08±1.29)mm,平均长度是(7.64±1.35)mm,三叉神经孔位于内听道内上距内听道约(9.82±1.51)mm,位于外展神经刺入硬膜点外上距Dorello管开口(9.5±0.98)mm,距弓状隆起约(16.37±1.43)mm,距三叉神经出脑干处(11.30±1.86)mm,距滑车神经入小脑幕边缘(5.32±1.33)mm。结论Meckel腔及其毗邻结构的详细精确的显微解剖认识对成功完成颅底手术至关重要。 Objective To investigate the microsurgical anatomy of Meckel's cave and the adjacent structures. Methods Four cadaver heads of both two sides were examined. The skull was opened and the brain was carefully removed to expose the entire skull base. The Meckel's cave and trigeminus were exposed. The length, width of mouth of Meckel's cave, and the distances between porus and near structures were also measured. Results Meckel's cave is a natural mouth-shaped aperture connecting with the posterior fossa that is located in the medial portion of the middle cranial fossa. The average height of this oval mouth was found to be (3.08 ± 1.29) mm and the average width was (7.64 ± 1.35) mm. The mouth of Meckel's cave was located (9.82 ± 1.51) mm superior and medial to the internal acoustic meatus, and (9.5 ± 0.98) mm superior and medial to the dural point of nervus abduceus, ( 16. 37 ± 1.43) mm medial to the areuate eminence and (5. 32 ± 1.33) mm medial to the dural point the of nervus trochlear. Conclusion Detailed and sound knowledge of the microsurgical anatomy of Meckel's cave is essential to perform the precise microneurosurgery in this region.
出处 《中华神经外科疾病研究杂志》 CAS 2013年第2期146-149,共4页 Chinese Journal of Neurosurgical Disease Research
关键词 MECKEL腔 三叉神经节 颅底 应用解剖 Meckel's cave Trigeminal ganglion Skull base Clinical anatomy
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